May 20, 2011

Pistachio Financier

Financiers are delicious French tea cakes usually made of almonds. The dainty cakes are known for their   beurre noisette and toasted almond flavor. Used to come in gold bar shapes but now they are made in different forms too like small trapezoid shapes, tiny muffin tins and so on. I made these financiers this time with pistachio because I love its distinctive taste with this cake. Shell at least a cup of pistachios for this recipe. 
Pistachio Financiers

2/3 cup of unsalted butter
1 cup finely ground roasted pistachios
1/2 or less cup of confectioner's sugar
1/4 plus 1 tablespoon of all-purpose flour 
3 egg whites

Melt the butter over moderate heat until lightly brown. pour the butter into a small bowl and leave behind any sediment in the pan. Set aside. In the food processor grind the pistachios again with the sugar and flour until powdery. Add egg whites and mix until smooth. Then add the browned butter and blend well. Add a teaspoon of vanilla extract if you wish but I omitted it in this recipe so as not to mask the delicate flavor of the pistachios. Put in the fridge covered to cool for a couple of hours.
When cooled fill the molds with 3/4 of a teaspoon and bake in a preheated 350F oven for at least 15 minutes or until lightly brown. They should come off easily from the trapezoid shaped silicon mold.
Serve them in any way you like or stack them like gold bars for their name sake.

Enjoy these with a cup of green tea if you wish.


  1. Pistachio Finaciers looks cute and delicious.

  2. Suenan exquisitos! me encantan los de almendra y estos suenan igual de buenos

  3. Non li ho mai provati e nemmeno sembrano veramente ottimi! Bravissimo

  4. I've yet to make the traditional ones although I keep saying "one day" (kiss of death - those words) but the Italian in me really perked up with your lovely pistachio ones.

  5. Delicious!!....what a great idea to make pistachio financiers ....they look great!!....I would love to try them!!....Abrazotes, Marcela

  6. Financiers are bang on trend - they are simple but you manage to give them your own unique twist.

    p.s. I was showing some of my friends your past work, particularly the white chocolate work and the fresco you did - they were awestruck!

  7. Ma che bella ricetta! Un bacione!

  8. I am a sucker for all sorts of nuts! Those financiers must have tasted divine with pistachios.

  9. I love pistachios so this is a must for me. Thanks Diane

  10. Hola Michelangelo: Una receta original, con el pistacho y muy apetitosa.
    Un abrazo y buen fin de semana.

  11. These look and sound absolutely wonderful! I'm a new follower here :-)

  12. I absolutely love pistachios and these financiers look bril. I'm going to Paris in a couple of weeks time and I cannot wait to eat lots and lots of beautiful pastries like this.
    Have a great day.

  13. Lovely change to the regular almonds! Great idea!

  14. one day i shall give this a go too, i havent tried incorporating pistachio into my bakes before. Have a nice week ahead, arthur!

  15. Love pistachios. I'm sure I would have quite a few. As always you display things so nicely.

  16. Questo blog è molto interessante. le foto sono belle e le idee molto originali e ben presentate. Se ti fa piacere tornerò a trovarti. A presto

  17. Pistachio is one of my most fav nuts n those financiers look devilishly scrumptious! I loved your almond shaped molds :)
    US Masala

  18. What beautiful little cakes!

  19. These are so beautiful! I love nut cakes- and pistachio just can't be beat for flavor and color!
    I am going to make these.
    Thanks for the recipe, Arthur!

  20. mio marito ne uscirebbe pazzo goloso di pistacchi com'e'...grazie l'ho salvata cosi' e' pronta all'uso!
