July 25, 2011

Fried Avocado and Guacamole

California claims the title of the "Avocado Capital of the World". Maybe because there are at least 59,000 acres of orchard and 95% of the nations avocado production is in the South of the state. They seem to be available all year round. The California avocados are in season from Spring through Fall.This Summer which is particularly hot, the avocados ripen on you so fast that you need to do something before they go to waste. I choose the greenest to take home and display  them on the counter and prepare them as each one ripens. Here are two popular ways to prepare the fruit.  For a newly ripen one  cut it it in wedges or rings, roll in flour seasoned with salt and pepper and thoroughly coat it with beaten eggs. Repeat the process if you want a thicker crust. Then pan fry in olive oil on medium  heat. Serve immediately with Pico de Gallo salsa.

With the very ripe one you can  make creamy guacamole. Mash it finely or in chucks and mix 1/2 a cup of pico de gallo and serve as a dip.

Round tortilla chips will scoop the guacamole like a spoon. Enjoy!


  1. We had so many avos off our trees in S.Africa and oh how I miss them here. I have to admit though I have never tried frying them, interesting. Diane

  2. Non ho mai mangiato l'avocado fritto , il guacamole si. Mi hai incuriosito, lo proverò!
    Grazie anche delle informazioni.

  3. As I saw those fried avocados the first thing comes to my mind is that how much the hubs will love it! The man loves his fried food n he sure does love avocados as well ~ a brilliant recipe n idea as always!
    US Masala

  4. I never tried to fry avocado,...thanks for brilliant idea!

  5. Who knew you could fry avocado? It looks really good!

  6. Iv'e only had fried avocado once at the fair and loved it...this looks fantastic!

  7. What a great idea!!....I have to try this fried avocado.....looks so yummy!!.....Abrazotes, Marcela

  8. My gosh!!so beautiful so fantastic fried version avocado! I've a prize for you in my blog!!Vieni a vedere cos'è!!;)

  9. I am in San Diego, I know all about avocado everything. Love the little rings.

  10. Looks really yummy!

  11. Not only a great idea- but a save when you cut into an avocado not ripe enough for guacamole! Thanks, Arthur! I have sauteed them in a light olive oil with onions and served them on top of a crusty bread- but hadn't thought of frying them!

  12. what nice and yummy recipe!! gloria

  13. Looks delicious, nice recipe,

    Kisses from Portugal (Mariana)

  14. I've been wanting to fry avocados forever, and now you've gone ahead and done it for me. I'm sure they taste delicious!

  15. Wow! I would never have thought to fry avocados, but the look fantastic. Great post!

  16. First time here and happy to follow u...hope u do the same..
    Avocado dishes sounds interesting..yum
    Do drop by as time permits...

  17. Interesting recipe! Looks really tasty too!!!

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