June 15, 2011

Cherry Scorpaciatta- Feasting on Cherries in Season

This is a cherry farm that is 10 minutes away from where I live. It's June again and the cherries are ripe for the picking. It has become an annual thing to do in the Summer. It seems like they have ripen sooner this year and they are surprisingly sweet and crunchy despite the rainy Spring. This orchard has 3500 trees with two varieties of cherry namely Bing and Rainer in a 25-acre land. We have so much fun 
going from tree to tree selecting the sweetest cherries. The choice cherries in your bucket are weighed on the way out but the ones in your tummy is on the house. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy. 

These are ready to be made into juice, jam or pie as we always enjoy them.


  1. Our cherries were over long ago but I am lucky as I have a neighbour who still has masses and I can help myself :-)) Diane

  2. I love cherries dear really love and I love the pictures, many times I didnt see cherries trees! beautiful! gloria

  3. Gosh, how lucky can you get, living so close to a cherry farm? The closest I can get to picking cherries is from the shelves in the grocers. Sigh ...

  4. Beautiful pictures. I've just come back from a fruit farm - no cherries, but raspberries that are a million miles from the perfect chilly berries from the supermarket. Heaven isn't it!

  5. Ciao carissimo da quanto tempo! Che belle ciliegie... aspetto una tua ricetta con questi rubini!

  6. What a beautiful pictures of cherry and cherry trees.....the nature is amazing!.....and your pictures are fantastic!!.............Abrazotes, Marcela

  7. It seems like a very good year for cherries...but they're sooo expensive!
    Beautiful photos

  8. Only ten minutes to get to paradise? what luck! I love this article, as red delicious cherries, pure delight!

  9. cherrieeees :) looks delicious!

  10. how i wish i could be your neighbour..i will go over to your hse more often than you think to steal glimpses of your food sculptures, to beg you to do a live carving, to eat your food and join you for this cherry trip!

  11. A natureza é maravilhosa e espectacular!!!
    A cerejeira é das árvores mais belas.
    Um abraço.

  12. Que ricas y que hermoso color tienen, yo quiero unas cuantas

  13. Gorgeous plump cherries ~ love it very much!
    US Masala

  14. How wonderful cherry! great photos especially trecera has a beautiful color
    thousand besossssss

  15. Chissà quante cose buone avrai preparato con queste ciliegie! Ciao Michelangelo, un bacio

  16. I've never visited a cherry farm. What a wonderful series!

  17. Thanks for the email, my dream is to write a book itself, but here in Brazil everything is very expensive ...

    But one of my dreams would be to see these beautiful cherry trees.

    Thank you for everything

    see you


  18. Beautiful photos of a beautiful fruit! I'm not your newest follower and hope you can stop by and visit my blog too. Keep up the great blog -- you're right.....art IS in the kitchen!

  19. I know you're going to make such lovely treats with all these cherries and berries. Can't wait!
