April 29, 2011

Yogurt from 2% Fat Milk to 100% Homemade

Here's a fast and easy way to make yogurt of your choice at home. With this yogurt maker, you only need to boil 6 cups of milk then cool to lukewarm and add 1 cup of yogurt as starter. 
You can cool it faster when you place the hot milk over a pot of cold water.
Pour mixture into the individual jars and cover with the dome without the lids.

You can set the maker to 9 hours at night and have the yogurt ready the next morning for breakfast. 
You are now ready have a fresh jar of yogurt plain with muscovado sugar, topped with homemade jam or fruit macedonia.



  1. Un dessert genuino e rinfrescante! Baci : )

  2. Delicious and great machine :D

  3. I have another version of yogurt maker in my hand. I used make with them.

  4. I am enjoying. What is it about yogurt that just draws you in beckoning you to pick up a spoon?

  5. I would love one with lots of fresh berries!

  6. I knew a festival of colours should end this post! :-)

  7. I do the same....I love it for breakfast!!.........Abrazotes, Marcela

  8. Michelangelo I love make yogurt at home! is really delicioius and this look amazing!! gloria

  9. Un'ottima idea di preparare in casa lo yogurt...e poi con quella frutta devono essere veramente ottimi! Bravissimo

  10. aargh!! another kitchen gadget! i hope i can forget abt this after i leave your page otherwise i'm afraid that i'll be dreaming to get this yogurt maker!!

  11. I've never made homemade yogurt. Yours looks amazing (especially with the fruit)!

  12. I never knew they made a yogurt maker- i always make yogurt the way my mom makes it. Got to learn something new day- it came out really perfect!
    US Masala

  13. Acompañado con unas frutas es un postre sano y fantástico


  14. I gave away my yoghurt maker because I only used it once - those little pots were such a pain. However, looking at your beautiful photos I'm feeling a little pang of regret - still, it went to a good home where it was appreciated. I guess I could always give this yoghurt a try, and use the airing cupboard to keep it warm.

  15. this is such a great idea. i haven't used a yogurt maker but i think i should invest in one since yogurt is pricey... making my own would be cheaper!

    -abeer @ www.cakewhiz.com
