January 05, 2011

Mahjong Snacks: Sesame Sweet Potato Pongs

Most of what I make are requests from family and friends. These sweet potato balls are my mom's order but I suspect it is her mahjong buddies who egged her on to ask me for these. I know they love to eat them with their favorite tea. They also dip them in sweet peanut cream made with milk and sugar and slightly thickened with cornstarch. I let my mom make the cream the way they like it. I have observed that these are enjoyed best when eaten right away, even served hot as dessert. Easy to make with few ingredients. Here's how.
Mix 2 cups of boiled sweet potatoes, 1 cup sweet rice flour, 1 cup muscovado sugar into a smooth dough and form balls the size of ping pong or smaller.
Roll each ball in plenty of sesame seeds until well coated.
Fry in peanut oil until golden and drain on absorbent paper towels and serve.



  1. waaaahhh... I thought it's 'onde-onde' ... I always love your cook ^_^ will try this one soon too, they are adorable !

  2. wow...delicious and healthy sweet...feel like having some now..yum yum!

  3. Very nice....I wish you an happy new year, hugs, Flavia

  4. They look really delicious, love your blue dishes too!

  5. Wow, they are stunning to look at. Never had anything like this, I bet they are really great.

  6. Yummmm... I really want to try these! What gorgeous ceramics!

  7. These are delicious . I love to try them. Sure it taste great with tea.

  8. Sweet! (Sorry, couldn't resist) But they are - and fun that it is from your mother. I think i could pop these like candy!

  9. these would not last long with my presence at the mah jong party! something about the roundness and the toasted sesame seeds I cannot resist!

  10. I just love sweet potatoes, so I must go and get some rice flour and try this. My husband is also a big sweet potato fan. Thanks for this. Diane

  11. Curiosa receta, pero a la vez interesante. Con tu permiso, me copio la receta y la pruebo.

  12. Me encanta tomar té , siempre lo hago con bizcocho
    o pastas; estas patatas dulces nunca las he visto;
    intetaré hacerlas, a ver como resultan y te cuento. Saludos Marimi

  13. Arthur, se me olvidaba, me gustaría que vieses este video de Guillermo Steinbrüggen que es un amigo nuestro y que actualmente vive en Alemania.
    A ver que te parece.


    Un Saludo Marimi

  14. Veramente d'effetto, veloci da preparare e molto originali. Io poi, adoro il sesamo. B R A V I S S I M O!!!!

  15. chinese mahjong??your mom can read chinese? i've also tried making this once long time ago but not really successful, the dough was too hard. infact ealier i was thinking i wanted to try again for the coming chinese new year.

  16. Arthur, I've the same response as Lena when I read your post, your mom can read chinese? I've not making this sweet potato pongs before, your creation looks very pretty!

  17. Hi Lena and Ah Tze, Thank you for dropping by! You always give me a smile and a chuckle every time. My mom lives in San Francisco where the biggest Chinatown and largest Asian population in the US! Ergo, everybody plays mahjong well and not so well. She does not read the tiles, she just feels them with her fingers. I suppose you learn this after playing Mahjong for decades!

  18. wow, can read from the touch of her fingers!that's expert already..must be one of the 'queen of gamblers' like we watch in the movies! ooh, mahjong is addictive!

  19. something so simple and beautiful! Another great one!

  20. Ciao ARTUR! un'idea veramente carina!devono essere veramente sfiziosi! Ciao a presto...

  21. OMG!
    io amo così tanto i tuoi piatti, le tue preparazioni e le tue foto...
    e sono sempre contenta di vedere come cresce la tua popolarità nella blogosfera!

  22. Acabo de conocer tu cocina y con tu permiso, me quedo por aquí y te enlazo en mi blog para no perderme tus entradas.

  23. I admittedly am the world's worst frier...and maybe, it's a good thing since it relieves my hips from a few unwanted extras. LOL
    No mattter...if these yummy looking treats were presented to me...1-2-3...in my tummy they would disappear.
    I do wonder Arthur, if these would succeed if baked? Ever tried? Just a thought.

    To Mommy's little helper...have a great day ;o)
    Flavourful wishes,

  24. Hi Foodessa, Always honored by your visit. i don't try to baked them because they will surely go flat on you. The dough of this snack is rather dense and will not absorb oil too much like spongy doughnuts. So your hips are really safe! Cheers!

  25. I loved it when my grandmother would make these desserts for me, but didn't realize how easy it was! I'm going to try making these for Chinese New Year!

  26. I love sweet potatoes, have to try these!

  27. These look delicious and I love sweet potatoes so I know I would enjoy them,
    and they look so pretty :)

  28. Lovely! Your blog has really showed me some totally new flavors!
