January 11, 2011

Insects in the Kitchen

I visited Diane at Food, Fun and Life in The Charente. Saw her amazing collection of all sorts of creeping things. I showed the blog at home and they got excited about taking photographs of insects too and posting them. So we got busy Sunday afternoon and finished in the evening laughing and screaming too. We made anything with  everything in the fridge that day. I found out long ago how to make the children eat insects and enjoy them too. I mean vegetables, of course. Here are some of the selected ones we made.
Here ia a ferocious tarantula eying a red tomato!
Spotted a green frog and took the picture straightaway before it disappeared into the rainforest outside.
This is where someone screamed when the rhinoceros beetle was seen trying to carry away the sweet potato.
A candid shot of a pair of amorous slugs slithering away on the dining table.

A rare butterfly of pomegranate color perched on my favorite tea cup.

This tarantula is nocturnal and thought the ripe pomelo was the moon.
An albino caterpillar inching its way to the cupboard. It is as white as a daikon radish!
A more colorful one but never knowing which is the head or the tail with so many eyes!
A woodworm that looks like fresh turmeric trying in vain to chew on my olive wood chopping board.
This clever praying mantis is posing as a harmless radish!
Didn't want to serve you the insects so I carved these delicious apples for you. Enjoy!


  1. Lovely work, the apples... so nice :D

  2. Hi Christine, Thanks for dropping by! The frog is made of green daikon. Cheers!

  3. What can I say?.....you're the best!!!....I love the apples, the pomelo, the frog......everything!!....however, what I love the best is your paint on the white chocolate (with the carving).....I still admire it!!......Abrazotes, Marcela

  4. You have made an amazing job of making these insects, wish mine had been as tasty :) Thanks for mentioning me. Diane

  5. Ciao Artur! I would like to learn the art of carving! see you later! your insects are wonderful!

  6. Alucinante!! es lo único que se me ocurre decirte.Alucinante.

  7. That's amazing..... incredible!!!!! have a nice day, hugs, Flavia

  8. Genial Arthur, eres un gran ARTISTA, me encanta!
    sobre todo la mariposa y las manzanas.....no te has planteado hacer una exposición? en algun
    museo o en alguna galeria de arte.

    Que tengas un buen dia. Marimi

  9. You really are a genius! I never tire of telling you, to come and looking into your museum ... oops, meant your kitchen:)
    Un bacio.

  10. arthur, 3 shouts amazing! amazing!amazing! wish i could have those and get it framed up. i just got fascinated looking at all of them, really..so artistic!! btw, if you really like the fish mould which you saw earlier, i can send it to you, no problem.

  11. Amazing and very creative! Have a good day!

  12. I love the slugs, it is almost moving. You are too creative.

  13. Arthur,
    the insects you made with your friend are amazing!! Thanks so much for the fantastic message you left on my blog, is the best one I've got since running my blog!!!
    All the best.

  14. Sencillamente MARAVILLOSO!!! Eres un artista, me he quedado realmente impresionada. Muchas felicidades.

  15. Arthur your sculptures are outstanding - is this your day job or something you just do to amuse yourself and your family? The photos have brought a huge smile to my face this evening - thank you!

    best wishes, Joanna

  16. arthur, i'll be happy to send you the moulds. pls send me your add to my email wflena@yahoo.com

  17. I don't even know what to say anymore..these are just so cool! What fun!!!

  18. Hi Joanna, Thanks for dropping by. You give me so many smiles too reading your aroma filled blog! No, not my day job, but I wish I had a bakery and make such wonderful bread like you! Cheers!

  19. What a wonderful imagination you have! I particularly like the tarantula and the picnic-seeking ant. A great way to get kids to eat vegetables.

  20. as You know.. I always adore ur arts! this time... even "wow" post!

  21. Wow, your 'insects' and especially your carving is AMAZING! Gorgeous!

  22. sono una meraviglia attento!
    Mil besosss

  23. You are amazing! Wow these are just gorgeous :)

  24. Thankfully you ended your post with superbly sculpted apples...because, those insects were downright creepy. LOL
    Are you all this talented in your family?
    What amazing imaginations you all have ;O)

    Ciao for now,

  25. jajajajaj genial!! Crei ke la rana realmente era de verdad! Ke pasada!!!!! Como siempre sorprendiendo!!!


    PD. Me alegro ke te haya gustado el helado, para mi es todo un honor!!!

  26. That last photo, if they appear to be real
    A hug

  27. What a great imagination, fantastic work! They all are super cool.

  28. For a moment (maybe two) I thought the frog was real!! LOL
    I don't like insects, but yours won't be flying around me!
    Beautiful art, as always!
