December 05, 2010

Eggplant With Thai Stuffing

I was inspired by fellow bloggers to make something purple and I thought I'd make it with eggplant instead of purple sweet potatoes. I made strips of the fresh Japanese eggplant and lattice weave it and stuff it with Thai chicken.
For the stuffing sautee 4 cloves of garlic and 3 shallots minced. Then add 2 1/2 cups of ground chicken leg meat with some cilantro, 1 hot chili, 1 heart of lemon grass finely chopped. Season with lime juice, palm sugar and fish sauce to taste. You can use salt and omit sugar and fish sauce if you wish.
Make the lattice with eggplant strips loosely first then gather the strips to the center when weave is complete. Place it on a hot flat grill and close for 3 minutes then open and continue to cook for 7 minutes. If you don't have a flat grill put it on a lined baking sheet, bake at the bottom rack for 10 minutes in a preheated 350 F oven. It should do the same job. Grill the strips of peeled eggplants to line the stuffing.

Use a small bowl lined with food wrap for easy unmolding. Lay the strips inside and fill it alternating eggplant an chicken. Pack it slightly to avoid crumbling. Cover with plate and turn it over. It should easily come out fine.
 Then drape the weave onto the stuffing, cover it with the bowl, press hard with left hand and with the other cut around excess strips with a sharp paring knife.
This cake can be for six servings. Enjoy!


  1. That has to be the coolest presentation I have ever seen!

  2. Woooooo que increible idea esta fabuloso y sobre todo riquisimos, mil gracias, saludos.

  3. You do such cool and interesting (not to mention delicious) work! Do you share your photos with Photograzing on Serious Eats? I'm sure you do - but if not - you should. AMAZING -everything here.

  4. WOW! Absolutely amazing!! Genius!

  5. Hi Arthur-I was extremely impressed by your amazing talented food art, and with such delicious food, as well.
    Thank you for your kind comment, and accepting the Stylish Blogger Award
    Very clever, and I must say, had you not commented, I would not have known.
    Please pick up your award, copy and paste the award on to your blog, along with the rules, and just follow through passing it on to other bloggers.
    I am following your blog now, and mentioned your blog for a huge "shout out"
    Welcome, new friend!

  6. This dish absolutely does justice to the name of your site. Its food in the form of art!

    US Masala

  7. Ciao Arthur, che bella ricetta! Mi piace molto la presentazione e sono sicura anche il gusto sarà eccellente. Mi scrivo tra i sostenitori così non mi perderò più niente! :)
    Buona settimana

  8. Gracias por tu visita, me he quedado impresionada con este pastel- kake. Me copio la receta.

    un saludo

  9. ciao!!!!!!grazie della tua visita!!complimenti per il tuo blog, davvero molto bello!!!!!a presto!ciao!

  10. Oh Wow! This is definately the most beautiful way I have EVER seen an eggplant prepared! And from the looks of your stuffing it was delicious as well :)! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  11. What nice and beatuty dish Michelangelo and thanks for stopping by! gloria

  12. Thanks for the visit and comment on my blog. Excellent and spectacular this your eggplant .. soon have a nice day .-D

  13. Arthur mon ami, une très belle réalisation.
    Bravo pour le tressage de la peau d'aubergine.
    Très réussi.
    See soon.

  14. Beautiful and very original! we follow you

  15. Hello, I stopped over from Elizabeth's...Congratulations on your award.
    This is just a stunning dish, lovely presentation and so creative :)

  16. Thanks for your visit! Can you speak Italian? My little son is studying in Colorado now, he will be there until June. Your blog is really nice, talk soon!

  17. una vera opera d'arte, complimenti. Buona settimana Daniela.

  18. wow, I am very impressed! Absolutely beautiful...i love your blog too :)

  19. This is truly artfully amazing! Very Impressive!

  20. Thanks for your comments on my blog.

    Your eggplant is beautiful. I wish I was that artistic. Nice work!

  21. Congratulations! por tu blog cosas muy interesantes y deliciosas saludos MARIMI

  22. what a beautiful eggplant! this is a great idea to cook and serve eggplants! congratulations!

  23. Lovely! Lovely!
    and very happy to see that you have got a lot of comments and followers too..
    really happpy.

  24. Thank you for visiting my blog, I am so happy you did as now I have found yours. I am very impressed with what I have seen and I will certainly be back. Diane

  25. Fantastico!!!!! Non ho mai visto una cosa simile!!!! Divento immediatamente sostenitrice del tuo blog!!!!!!!!
    A presto!!!!!!

  26. Looks fantastic - and I imagine it tasted just as good!

  27. How clever!!! It looks delicious. I love eggplant and this is a very unique recipe to try. Thanks for visiting my blog as it led me to your great blog. I will enjoy following and seeing what you're doing next!!!

  28. wow...amazing presentation...very impressive...great....looks delicious...

  29. ma che carina la tua melanzana intrecciata! bravo!!

  30. Absolutely beautiful! I'd love to be able to try this out one day but I have a feeling I'd mess it up.... don't have your artistic talent. Sigh.

  31. Oh my goodness! This 'cake' looks absolutely beautiful, better than anything I have ever made with purple sweet potatoes! I can imagine all the hard work that you had put into making the eggplant lattice, and I'm in full awe and admiration, Arthur... You really do create the best food art!

  32. This is SO impressive! YOU did a great job! No its super cool, I;m so tempted to do something of the sought, but I'm pretty sure I will fail at it! :)

  33. I have no word this is stunning! am sure to try this pretty soonish!

  34. Have never seen such display before and it's absolutely amazing! By the way, Thai food is my favourite! :-)

  35. You are truly an upto your blog's name...this is STUNNING

  36. I love this eggplant weaving. It is the most beautiful presentation I have seen in a long time. So Stunning.

  37. ¡¡¡¡Un 10 para esta presentación!!!!


  38. Espectacular, eske me has dejao sin palabras de verdad!!!

    Muakssssss y buen fin de semana!!!

  39. Hi Arthur, more gorgeous posts, I love the weaving and the snowballs in soup and it puts a real smile on my face to read your work. Thank you!
